
A 物理学博士 from esball国际平台客户端 gives you the training and resources to become an independent scholar in a specialized subfield. 通过这个项目, 你将在经典力学的核心领域应用先进的知识, 电磁学和量子力学来发现开箱即用的解决方案. You will gain the theoretical foundations to conduct experimental investigations with a high degree of expertise. 当你毕业的时候,你将准备好领导学术界或工业界的研究团队. 


The 物理学博士 offers rigorous research training and complex coursework meant to challenge your understanding of the field. You will be able to choose from different specialization areas to deepen your expertise and tackle a wider set of issues through interdisciplinary work with faculty and peers across campus.

我们系的特点之一是我们为学生提供个性化的关注. 我们保持班级规模小,鼓励合作和需要团队合作的解决方案. 您的研究顾问将提供全面的指导, 你还会从与其他教员友好开放的关系中进一步受益. 我们重视您的意见和想法,并将您视为学者.

尽管我们的规模,我们提供了一个更大的大学的资源. You will have access to state-of-the-art research 中心 and the opportunity to participate in innovative projects led by a diverse team of experts. You will also gain valuable teaching experience by working with undergrads as a teaching assistant or in other capacities. 


物理学博士至少需要90个学分. At least six of those credit hours should be taken outside the department and at least six of those credit hours should be dedicated to seminars.

在两年内完成全日制学习, 如果你是兼职学生,66个学分, 你将参加规定的综合考试. 考试的主题包括经典力学, 电与磁, 光学, 热物理, 量子力学与现代物理学(相对论), 核能和固态).


  • 生物物理学 
  • 化学机械刨平 
  • 计算物理学 
  • 物理教育 


  • 本科以外至少90个学分. Minimum 3 academic years’ full-time graduate study (or the part-time equivalent); 2 years in residence at Clarkson. 四部分的物理调查测试用于确定初始课程作业.  硕士学位最多可转30个学分(B级或以上). 课程作业-不少于33学分, 包括至少6个系外学分和至少6个研讨学分. 每学期前完成78个学分, esball国际平台客户端全日制学生必须成功完成PH683或PH684. 每年最大学时为30(秋季为12), 12 in spring and 6 in summer; or, 秋季15个,春季15个). 只接受500门以上的课程.
  • Full-time student status: 9 credits per semester until <9 credits remain to complete 90 credits. 修满90学分后, 学生将注册1学分的专题/论文, 住在家里, 并积极全职完成项目/论文.


  • 最低平均成绩为B, 每门核心课程至少达到B (PH661), PH663, PH664, PH670 and PH669); The requirement for PH664 and PH670 can be fulfilled any time during the study, and the student’s advisor can approve replacements of these two courses by other advanced graduate courses in the student’s chosen research field.
  • 取得令人满意的学位进展. Academic progress is evaluated at the end of each term by the Physics Graduate Committee Chair in collaboration with the student’s advisor.
  • 平均成绩低于3分的学生.000人将受到学术警告处分. 如果这些学生的平均绩点达到3分,他们将恢复良好的学术地位.在他们的下一学期结束时,他们将获得1000万或更高的奖金.
  • Students must select a thesis topic and be assigned to a research advisor no later than the second semester of graduate study. 物理系主任批准研究顾问的任命. 研究 projects primarily guided by faculty outside the physics department requires a physics co-advisor assigned by Physics Chair.
  • Satisfactory completion of the Comprehensive Exam is required within two years of full-time study after admission to the PhD program or, 非全日制学生, 完成66学分前. 如果综合考试不及格两次,该学生将被退学.
  • 物理综合考试分为两个部分, 每部片长4小时, 通常在春季学期的前两周进行. The topical coverages are based on those of upper-level undergraduate physics courses offered at Clarkson, 包括:第一部分:经典力学, 电 & 磁性, Optics; Part II: Thermal Physics, 量子力学, 现代物理学(相对论), 核, 固态).
  • 在第三年学习结束时, the student writes a PhD research proposal and defends a doctoral topic before a thesis committee composed of at least 5 members. The proposal must be submitted to the thesis committee at least 10 working days before the oral defense. This exam should demonstrate that the thesis topic is of doctoral quality and that the student’s background is adequate to carry out the proposed research. 委员会必须一致通过决定才能通过. The thesis committee (selected by the student’s advisor and approved by the Physics Chair and the Dean of A&S) should include no less than 4 Clarkson faculty (at least 3 from physics) of assistant professor rank or higher and possessing an earned doctoral degree. 至少有一名成员必须来自非物理系. 得到教务长的同意, the thesis committee may include an external examiner with appropriate credentials from another university or industry.
  • The final PhD examination involves an oral defense of the written doctoral dissertation before the thesis committee. 考试委员会必须在答辩前至少10个工作日收到论文副本.
  • 典型的课程长度为5年. All work for the PhD degree must be completed within 7 years after passing the Physics Comprehensive Examination.
  • 有关大学要求的更多信息, 学生应该查阅esball国际平台客户端目前的esball国际app规定和esball国际app目录.



  • 运用经典力学核心领域的先进知识, 电磁学和量子力学.
  • Develop research plans and conduct experimental/ theoretical/ computational investigations in areas of their technical expertise.
  • 参与有不同团队参与的合作项目.
  • 分析、解释和有效地口头交流研究课题的结果.(如会议报告)和书面形式(如.g.,在技术报告和期刊出版物).
  • Demonstrate familiarity with current literature and practices in their field of specialization with a general understanding of scientific and ethical responsibilities.
  • 制定调查计划,开展研究项目并指导学生/学员. 

Our faculty undertake innovative research in physics and interdisciplinary projects that help advance our understanding of the world. 作为一名学生, you will benefit from their mentorship and work closely with them in a collaborative and encouraging environment. 更多地了解他们的经验和专业领域.



  • 天体物理学 
  • 生物与纳米技术
  • 生物物理学 
  • 扩散
  • 能量储存 
  • 材料物理
  • 纳米系统 
  • 纳米技术 
  • 网络理论 
  • 物理教育
  • 软物质与高分子物理 

作为一名学生,你可以进入esball国际平台客户端 中心 比如雷诺天文台, 物理团队设计实验室, the Laboratory for Electroanalytical Characterization of Materials and the Computational Laboratory. 


  • 网上申请表格.
  • 的简历.
  • 目的陈述书.
  • 三封推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • GRE考试成绩.
    • 一般GRE是必需的.
  • 对于国际申请者,需要英语水平测试.
    • 最低考试成绩要求:托福(80分)和托福基础(8分).5)、雅思(6).5) PTE(56分)或Duolingo英语测试(115分).
    • 英语语言测试要求不会因教学语言而被免除, 我们也不接受大学证书. English testing is waived if an applicant has a degree from a country where English is the Native Language. 点击这里 看看这些国家的名单.

先决条件: 申请人必须具有物理学或相关学科的学士学位或同等学历. 申请人的累积平均绩点应为3分.在申请时为0或更高. 此外, 申请人必须在所有物理和数学科目中取得“B+”或以上的成绩.


  • A GRE score of at least 319 is recommended (minimum verbal score of 156 and minimum quantitative score of 163).
  • GRE物理科目考试成绩不需要,但推荐.
  • 国际申请者在托福各部分的最低分数应为26分.雅思每分0分(口语最低7分).5)或同等水平的PTE或Duolingo英语考试成绩.

MS students interested in pursuing the PhD will be required to sit for the placement test offered by the Department of Physics. 这是每年8月提供. 这一点, 除了之前的学习成绩, 出版刊物及教学表现, 会在正式进入博士课程之前被考虑吗.

大多数当前的esball国际app都有助教奖学金或研究助教奖学金. A full appointment covers the 30 credit hours of tuition and provides a stipend that covers estimated living expenses. Discuss opportunities and how to apply with the department staff and/or program coordinator directly.

我们举办各种研讨会和讲座,全年与客座教授, 行业领袖和其他专业人士在该领域得到广泛认可.

该项目在我们位于纽约波茨坦的主校区举行. 我们的许多全日制研究型硕士和博士课程也设在这里. 你将在靠近研究设施,现场实验室和其他资源.



The PhD program at esball国际平台客户端 provides the rigorous training and research-heavy experience required to enter the world of academia. 有了你的学位,你可以申请教授职位和著名研究中心的职位.

You will also graduate with skills that are attractive to employers in the science and tech industries. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局对物理学家的需求是 预计增长更快 比未来十年的平均水平还要高.


  • 学术界
  • 政府
  • 天文台
  • 私营企业
  • 研究实验室



  • 应用材料
  • 英特尔公司
  • 全球铸造厂
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • 美光科技
  • STEM OPT资格

  • 现场交货




电子邮件: graduate@emotionsamsara.com
电话: 518-631-9831

了解更多esball国际平台客户端 物理系.



获得专业知识, conduct original research and qualify for a wide range of academic and industry opportunities with a 物理学博士 from Clarkson.